New Era Consciousness – live Teachings

With over 10 years of experience, Marianne Lane holds a teaching space led by inner guidance that is aligned with the new era energies.

Marianne will share access to this field with participants in the teachings, allowing you to have the knowledge of how it works and giving you the simple tools required to keep the access, and use it for maintenance of your own growth and connection.

Two hours once a month – 11€ pr month

Energetic Power Teachings

Videos with energy teachings and healing – Energetical Power Teachings with modern shaman of the new era Marianne Lane.

You can start whenever you want. GET MODULE 1 LESSON 1 FOR FREE

Energetic Power Teaching for Business

I have been running a self-employed business successfully for over 8 years. Before that I worked as a project manager, product developer and professional manager.

The teaching is based on concrete project management tools and sales science

Teachings from Source

Teachings From Source have channeled teachings that bring you into The New Era.

The New Era opens your potentials from the soul and now you are carrying the torch for both you, your family, your society, your world. Every person on earth is carrying their torch of possibilities, as the new era opens as a mutual awakening worldwide.

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