Full Moon Energetic Updates

Full Moon Energetic Updates with Marianne Lane – November 18 -2021

Welcome to Full Moon Energetic Updates with Marianne Lane, where we perform cleansing and healing in extensive areas and for the earth.



You can choose to say yes to actively taking part in the work, and you do this by being online or by listening to the video afterward while the energy is still active for a few days after the event.


Watch the replay video here:

At present, a pillar network of light has been established, activated, and risen above the earth to support the raising of consciousness of the earth. In addition, a crystal grid of energy has been opened, which supports the unity and consciousness of opening upon the earth.


The healing and effect of the work are put into the field of the earth so that all those who consciously or unconsciously reach out for change and awareness-raising can benefit from the work.


There will be a different focus from time to time, depending on current opportunities and influxes. Therefore, each full moon will have its own focal point and work.


Do you know of places or people who need to cleanse negative consciousness and lift heavy energy? Then you can get that with the Full Moon Energetic Updates.


You can do this by making a list of everything you would like to have cleansed.


Example of a list:

– My family and what affects us, our home, and the area where we live.

– Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, their children, as well as things that affect them.

– The people and places affected by war or natural disasters.

– People who want to hurt other people.


As you can see, it is possible to include both close people and places, as well as more general populationgroups, areas, and issues.

The cleansing and healing will go deep into those people who have been asked and consented to be cleansed.

For those who have not said yes themselves, we can only cleanse and promise for what they have not them selves chosen to be affected by.

It is enough that you have written a list and even know who and what is in it. The details do not have to be shared.

You can ask Marianne to include the list by writing a post in the group or directly in the webinar’s chat. If you need help to get your list included in the work, just write something like “I would like help to get my list included”.

You can also choose to include your list in the work yourself, with your intention.

Whatever you choose, you will receive detailed guidance along the way.



Contribution to the work:

You can contribute to the work with your energy on several levels.

You can say yes inside yourself to contribute your excess energy. It only uses the energy that you can easily do without. You do not have to stay focused along the way, and you are not burdened by the work.

If you are a participant in the event, then you are contributing your surplus energy in this way, even if not taking part online.

You can also choose to say yes to actively taking part in the work, and you do this by being online or by listening to the video afterward while the energy is still active for a few days after the event.

If you take part actively and are focused throughout, then you will get much more out of the course.

The work puts a healthy strain on your system, which is equivalent to doing strength training of your energysystem.




We meet online – only Marianne will have the camera on.

Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of the prerequisites for energy work. You will receive detailed guidance along the way.

Participation is free.

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