
for the Trip to Peru 2023 With Marianne Lane and Julie Mariel



Registration, payment and right of cancellation

Registration for the course is binding, but you have a 14-day right of cancellation from the day you pay. If there are less than 30 days to the start of the course, however, there is no right of cancellation.



Healing, guidance and personal development

The tour guides will channel messages from spirit guides and the energy field for the journey during the event. It is up to the participants to assess which messages make sense to them. The participants themselves bear full responsibility for the decisions they may have to make on the basis of guidance from the tour leaders and guides.

The tour guides hold the field for the participants and convey healing to them. This means that with their registration the participants say yes to receiving healing during the course. The healing can trigger cleansing symptoms and healing symptoms, and that it is important that the recipients of the healing drink enough water before, during and after the healing. If you want to take full advantage of the healing, you should avoid consuming alcohol or other drugs during the course.

This type of personal development work can cause various emotional and energetic reactions in the participants (popularly called “going through the process”). Participants are welcome to seek support from tour guides to deal with any reactions, but participants are responsible for dealing with any such personal reactions and for being considerate of other participants and ensuring that their possible reactions do not harm or disturb other participants. There is no time set aside for individual therapy on the course, so processes can be taken up in general form in plenary.


Requirements for the condition of the participants

The course takes place partly outdoors and involves outdoor activities in changing weather, which can include rain. It is the participants’ own responsibility to be dressed for the weather and to bring the necessary aids they will need along the way. As a participant, you are obliged to notify the tour guides in advance if you have physical health challenges. Participation in the course as a whole requires that your physical state of health allows you to make the journey to Peru, and participation in the outdoor part of the course requires that you can hike shorter distances at a leisurely pace in high altitude areas where the air is thin.

If you, as a participant, have a serious mental illness (for example bipolar disorder, psychosis, schizophrenia or other personality disorders), you are obliged to disclose this before registration. It will then be assessed whether it is justifiable for you to take part in the journey. The tour guides reserve the right to reject customers who wish to participate if they assess that the person in question will not be able to comply with the applicable conditions.


Liability and insurance

Participation in the tour is at your own risk. The organizers cannot be held responsible for any damage the participants may incur or cause to others during the event. You must be covered by your own insurance during the journey.


Personal data – GDPR

Photos of the participants taken by the tour guides or their assistants during the trip may be used for marketing. If a participant does not want pictures of him or her to be used, the participant must notify a tour leader of this at the start of the trip.

Audio files are recorded during the course. Some of these audio files may be made available to participants on subsequent courses dealing with the energy work from the trip. Comments that you say out loud while audio files are being recorded can therefore be shared with other course participants afterwards.

When you register for the trip, we must use your name and address as well as your e-mail and telephone number to be able to contact you regarding the trip. We treat your information with respect and do not pass it on to third parties. We store them behind passwords.


Transport, cancellation, insurance and Covid-19

The trip to Peru is legally considered a course that takes place abroad. Legally, it is not a package tour. You must therefore be responsible for the journey to and from the destination yourself. The travel guides recommend a flight out and home, for which you can buy a ticket directly from the airline or other intermediary of flight tickets. If you buy a ticket for the recommended departure (form Denmark), you will be able to fly with the tour guides and the other participants who are also traveling on this departure.

To register, you pay the full course price. Registration is binding, but you have a 14-day right of cancellation. The right of cancellation expires 30 days before the start of the course.

You must ensure that your passport is valid for travel.

If, as a participant, you are tested positive for covid-19 immediately before departure and thus prevented from participating, you can apply for compensation from your travel insurance company. Therefore, when booking a flight and paying the balance, make sure that you are covered by both travel insurance that covers expenses in connection with covid-19 and cancellation insurance as well as bankruptcy insurance (for if the airline goes bankrupt).

If one of the course leaders tests positive for covid-19 immediately before departure and is thus prevented from participating, or prevented for other unavoidable reasons, the trip will be carried out by the other tour leaders with remote support from the prevented tour leader.

In the very unlikely scenario that both course leaders test positive for Covid-19 immediately before departure, or are prevented by other unavoidable reasons, or force majeure occurs which prevents all participants from traveling to Peru, the trip is postponed to a later date or held as online arrangement depending on what the given situation allows. If you choose to continue being signed up for a possible compensation trip, the payment will stand. If you choose to skip, the full amount will be refunded. The price of the plane ticket cannot be refunded or replaced by the course leaders. You choose whether you want to use the ticket to set off on your own.

If you, as a participant, interrupt the course during the course, the course fee and deposit will not be refunded, but you can apply for compensation from your travel insurance company.


Board and accommodation

The course leaders help organize and allocate accommodation in hotels.

Food during the stay is not included in the course price. We continuously suggest restaurants for meals. You choose whether you want to eat with the rest of the group from time to time.